Tuesday, September 11, 2007

I'm Moving

My blog has officially moved to a different website. So all of you out there who read my blog(that's you mom) go to feedthehabit.wordpress.com if you want to continue to check up on me. Gracias

Sunday, September 9, 2007

i want you to notice

Well, we are finally out of the apartment and in to the house. It's great having so much more space, a pool, and living in a nice neigborhood. Unfortunately, we have very little furniture, and we have an entire living room that is sitting empty. Hopefully we can find some cheap furniture to fill the void. Or we could just go with George's idea and turn it into a dance floor. We are hoping to make some friends so that we can entertain now that we have this big house and a nice pool, but we'll see if that happens.

Football season is in full effect, and what that normally means is our tv will be on much more on the weekends. This is always such a good time of year because baseball is winding down, which is exciting, and football is just getting under way, which can't be beat. Unfortunately, now that i live in an area where the weather will be close to perfect this time of year, i won't want to be sitting on a couch all weekend like i would of if i lived back where it is cold. So we'll see what happens. Hopefully i create a fulfilling balance.

New season of 'Curb Your Enthusiasm' started tonight. It didn't dissapoint.

I saw where the movie "Into the Wild" is coming out in a few weeks. It's based on a book by John Krakaeur about this dude who graduates college, then gives away all of his posessions and takes off cross country with nothing but the clothes on his back for an adventure. Anyway, i loved the book, but i have a feeling the movie is really gonna suck. We'll see what happens. But the moral to this story is i suggest you read the book. BTW it's a true story.

I haven't dated a girl in well over a year now. Been on some dates, but that's about it.

Have a 6 day work week this week. Looking forward to going to Chicago the following weekend though. Chicago has always been my favorite city for the most part. Maybe because it's really one of the only major cities i have spent a lot of time in, and the fact that it's just a really cool city. But i am looking forward to spending some time with my high school buddies, catching a cubs game, and seeing the city. What i am not looking forward to is catching a 6am flight out of chicago on that monday, and landing in Phoenix at 7am to go to work for the entire day shortly after. What was i thinking?

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

be a beach bum, it's more fun

I just finished watching the documentary called "the bridge". It focuses on people jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge to there death, and family and friends of these people talk about the mental state of what the people were like.

Obviously a very sad documentary.

But it got me thinking about just how far away from my mental state must i be to even consider doing something like that. In my mind, there is always tomorrow. And even on the most horrific of days, tomorrow can always be a better day. You never know what can happen. Everybody body has there bad days, but most people can wake up the next day and realize that everything always will get better.

Each individual suicide case is different i'm sure. Although most of them must feel like there is just no where else to turn and instead of living through there daily mental anguish, it would be easy to put themselves out of there misery.

I think so many people are depressed these days because our society has created such pressure on people to succeed. And if you don't succeed, then you can only be a failure. I was watching a talk by Sir Ken Robinson about how schools are totally ruining kids and how it will hurt society in the future. Well to a lot of extent i think he is correct. Along those same lines, i think our schools and society in general look down upon individual creativity and people who are not the norm. And the pressure to fit in, and be rich, and to make something of yourself is becoming greater with each generation.

Life is short, and when i really think about it, it seems so rediculous that most of us will waste 30 years of our lives sitting behind a desk or a computer to make ends meet, instead of actually doing what we really want to do and living life to the fullest. It's because our society only measures success based on how much money you make, how good looking your significant other is, and what kind of car you drive. So instead of actually doing something you privately dream about that would make you totally happy, you end up trying to live up to other peoples ideals and that, in my mind, creates unnecessary pressure and unhappiness.

I wish i could say i live by what i just wrote about, but of course i don't, and i have my 9-5 behind a desk. But hopefully the first step to lead me to fulfilling my real dreams is the realization that i know what would make me most happy and successful in my mind.

It's really sad to think that some poeple feel so trapped that there only alternative is to kill themselves. Why not instead of killing yourself, move to a place where you don't know anybody, and just start a new life. Create a new you where nobody knows a thing about you. Work at a video store the rest of your life if that makes you happy.

I dunno, to me it's just frustrating to see healthy people kill themselves, when in actuality there are so many alternatives.

Anyway, that's my midnight rant on suicide.

The Bridge

Gained about 273 lbs over the weekend while eating home cooked meals that i don't normally get to eat....obviously because i am not normally home.

After this past weekend, I've learned that i like babies and am not afraid of them.

I feel i should respond to my buddies blog http://lifeofajesse.blogspot.com about his friends being lame sometimes. My response is that not everybody has the same interests, not everybody gets the same thing out of doing certain things, and not everybody is in the same point in there life where certain things might be more important than others. I think i was probably quoted in his blog when it read "i don't see the point of going out". At least i am guessing that i am probably who he was reffering to, or at least one of the people he had in mind. I know he already knows what i am about to type, but thought i would share it with anybody else who might care.

If you put yourself in my shoes, it would be easy to see why i don't like going out. First of all, i don't like talking to strangers. Second i don't drink. Third, it sucks watching my friends spend 2 hours talking about which girl they think they might want to talk to, only to see 2 hours later, no progress has been made other than spending way too much money on drinks. Did i mention i am not comfortable approaching strangers? Fifth, since i don't drink, it's not fun being with drunk people at 3am while they are making irrational decisions while i only want to find my bed. Sixth, you can't have a conversation because things are always too loud. Eighth, i don't like to dance. Ninth, I am 27 years old and have never met anybody at a bar that i have ever wanted to see again. And tenth, movie theater seats are more comfortable than a bar seat.

But to some people like Mr. Ferrell, there personality totally makes going to a bar or club something fun for them. So i guess to summarize "too each his own".

So there.

I'm now in 3 fantasy football leagues, totally wasting my money. Amazingly i haven't had one say on any single draft pick.

My mom has become my most loyal blog reader apparantley. So i figured i would start her and my dad with there own blog www.newgrandparents.blogspot.com .... We'll see if they ever make an entry.

Moving day is this weekend to the new house. Totally not looking forward to packing my possesions, even though all i have are my clothes and a bed.

I brought my guitar back from Indiana. One of my co-workers has been wanting to teach me how to play, so we'll see what happens. I plan on starting a band in about 2 years....pretty sure i could be the lead singer with my killer voice.

Watching a documentary called "the bridge" about all of these people trying to commit suicide off the Golden Gate Bridge. Very uplifting movie. First scene, this guy just jumped off...nice.

Pretty sure i have the cutest nephews in the world, but i bet you will say that too at some point in your life.

Carlos Zambrano....no soup for you.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007


I watched a documentary last night called "the future we will create" about this convention they have every year in Monterey, California. It was such an interesting thing and i ended up going to the website. The website is www.ted.com ....and it has all sorts of interesting people who are allowed about 20 minutes to present to the audience their thought, their invention, their idea, their work, their music, or basically any other creative thing that they have come up with. Much of it deals with social issues and how the world can be changed for the better. Anyway, it's really interesting stuff and i have become addicted to listening to what these creative people have to say and show. Here is an example of one of my favorites speakers i have heard so far.
Sir Ken Robinson: Do Schools Kill Creativity?

Anyway, if any of you happen to get addicted to this website like i am, feel free to let me know if you find any really interesting videos on there that i might like.

Fantasy Football has started and i am now in a different league with different people than i have been before. I can tell this league is going to consume much more of my time than probably ever before. I bought a horrid team from somebody who gave up i think and it has been fun trying to rebuild it. We'll see what happens.

I'm really looking forward to going home this weekend and seeing everybody. I think i have mentioned that before.

I think i want to start a non-profit organization via a website that people can donate money to any cause they wish. I could put hundreds of "causes" onto my website that people could donate money to their cause of choice, and i could allocate that money to a certain organization. I just thought of that as i am typing this, and i am sure i could make it much better and more elaborate than that, but you get the idea. Just an idea.

Cubs lose today, but still a few games up!

Sunday, August 26, 2007

thank god for good directions and turnip greens

Well, the house hunting has come to an end finally and it appears we found a cool house to move into soon in a super duper neighborhood with an HOA and everything. We aren't even allowed to park our cars on the street. But now we have to find a 4th roomate, which seeems like a more difficult challenge than finding the house. So far we have come accross a cage fighter, a former nebraska football player(who is the top candidate so far), and a dirt bike racer.

I must say i didn't know that i could peel for so long after a sun burn. It's pretty amazing and i look forward to the day when i am white as a ghost and don't have to worry about this shit.

Next weekend i fly home to see the fam and the new additions to the fam. Should be lots of fun and a quick trip as always. It will be the first time i will of flown home and the entire family is there, since all of the siblings have moved home but me. Looking forward to all of the guilt trips thrown my way. Should be a good time though. Last year at this time was my first trip home after moving to california. Time flies.

My favorite time of the year is approaching, which is fall. That means football season, cooler temps, leaves changing colors, tailgating, long sleeve clothes,curb your enthusiasm,, and baseball playoffs. I can also say i have almost survived my 2nd summer in Phoenix.

Last night was one of the best nights of sleep i have had in a while. Hoping to duplicate that tonight.

So this house we found to rent is like 2800 sq ft and we have no furniture. And when i say no furniture, we have 2 couches and a small kitchen table. But that's it. And i think there is a chance the couches might be sold at some point by jonah. So if anybody know anybody looking to cheaply get rid of lots of furniture, let me know. Hopefully the new roomie was like a former furniture sales person and can furnish the entire house. Looks like we might be searching craigslist for some sweet furniture.

We watched the first half of bob saget't stand-up comedy special tonight on HBO. I anticipated it to be really funny because it was kinda hyped up. But it wasn't remotely funny at all. I mean the dude is really vulger, and a lot of time that is funny. But nothing he said made sense. The only thing i gathered was he was trying to set the tv record for most times dropping the f-bomb in an hour. He had no jokes, definitely was making stuff up as he went, and used the Full House references way too much....even though those seemed to be the only half way funny things he said. Just dumb.

Cubs in first place still, holding on barely.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

full house

Well, i am officially an uncle of 2 boys as of about an hour ago. I think their names are Jameson and Keegan, but as many times as my sister has changed their names, i will need to get confirmation on that. I guess my vote didn't count for them to be named after their favorite uncle Joey.

Not really sure exactly what the job responsibilty of an uncle is. But i think it involves only fun stuff like gift giving, wrestling with the kids, holding them until they cry or need to use the restroom, and making funny faces at them. I'm pretty sure i will never have to change a diaper, although since she got 2 babies for the price of one, the rules might change?

I still need to get some gifts for when i go home next weekend. I am absolutely clueless on what to get, but i think its probably gonna involving some small clothes or toys or something. If anybody has any good suggestions let me know.

Cubbies are looking like they are about to score here in the 10th inning. We'll see if they can blow it.

I'm pretty sure i am going to win the $250 million powerball here in a few minutes. That would allow me to buy lots of baby presents.

Cubs just scored to take the lead. Maybe it is my lucky night!

Sunday, August 19, 2007

character created

There is a new blogger in town and his name is Eric Ferrell. For those of you who don't know him, you can find him on my myspace page. He officially started his blog tonight, and i am guessing it's going to be pretty entertaining. Afterall, he is the Jesseist of them all. For those of you who don't know what a Jesse is, here is my personal definition.
JESSE: One who is not afraid of making a jackass out of himself in order to get a girl. One who speaks his mind without worry of offending people. One who is very goofy. One who might pull a fast one on you if your not careful. One who is a bit full of themselves, but knows it and isn't afraid to let other people know it. One who does things out of the ordinary. One who is capable of remarkable things, in ways others are not.

Anyway, so check out his blog. http://lifeofajesse.blogspot.com/

It's back to work tomorrow after a week off. Nobody ever looks forward to that first day back to work, and i am no exception.

Spent all of last week in 90 degree weather in florida with humidity. Spent today in 100 degree weather in Arizona with little humidity. I can settle the argument that humidity or not, Arizona feels much more hot.

I'm at a point in my life again where i feel i need to evaluate what the hell is going on. I feel i have been given some strong hints in the past few months from the man upstairs, and i am trying to act on it.....but we'll see what happens. I'll let you know if that works out. I think i am just never going to be the type of person that can do the same thing for very long. Hopefully that doesn't tie in with my relationships as well.

I really need to listen to more Radiohead. Something about there music just fits my moods.

I often think i would be a happier person if i were homeless and didn't have any responsibilities. I could ride the rails and travel the country.

My vacation was good for me in that it broke me of my routine for a while. I was able to step back and think about things. I learned i didn't need the internet as much as i thought, and i could go without constantly thinking about work. Give me a book and a beach and i am set. I live in arizona why?

Grocery shopping was good today.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

i burn

Sadly, my vacation is almost over. I had hoped to make it through the entire vacation without peeling, but unfortunately it only took 1 day to get toasted and i am now in full fledge peel mode.

I don't think ferrell and jonah believed me when i said there wasn't anything to do in Marco Island. They found out very quickly when on the first night they scoured the entire town with there new friend Sigon, a marriott employee who they met and paid a few bucks to drive them around after he got off work.. He showed them all of the hot spots, which are took very little time because there are none.

Tonight was another attempt for them to hit the naples bar scene, i guess hoping to meet some smokin hot ladies.

I just realized i need to buy my sister's new twin babies that she is going to have here in a few days some gifts before i go home at the end of the month. This is all new to me, i have no clue what to buy, but i am sure i will find something. Are they too young for G.I. Joe's?

Have read 2 books this vacation, one by Tony Dungy which was very good. The other was called "the only road north", a true story about some kids riding dirt bikes from the souther tip of africa to the northern. Might be my favorite book i have ever read, or at least i think it fit in to my current state of mind and age. I highly suggest it, it was given to me from my mom after she read it.

Things to remember about this vacation so far:
-the appliance guy.
-never shave your head before spending a week at the beach.
-marco island is not a place for single people.
-apparantley not everyone likes ferrell, and he doesn't care.
-i miss thunderstorms
-the secret

Friday, August 10, 2007

dave chappelle is funny

Friday is finally here and that means i leave bright and early tomorrow morning for vacation to florida. This week at work was very busy, so that allowed the week to fly by and didn't let me think much about vacation. It's 9:30pm and i still need to pack.

Glad to hear annabelle was found.

Good chance i will be an uncle by the end of the coming week. Pretty excited about that.

My head is absolutely pounding right now. I think it is my haircut i gave myself tonight.

I'm going to do my best to pack as light as possible. I don't think i am going to packy any nice clothes, just t-shirst, shorts, and a swimsuit. I am going to do my best not to spend money. I'll report back on how that goes.

My head still hurts. Time to pack.

Sunday, August 5, 2007

feed the habit

Update on bowling night last night. As i predicted, there was some heavy drinking going on by my competitors, mainly NIck....and it allowed me to bring home the bacon once again. When will these guys learn? I think jonah actually has learned as he upped his game and didn't drink too much, but the pins stopped falling for him.

Do you think all of us will be myspacing when we are all senior citizens? It's sounds funny, but think about how addicted most of us probably are to that damn site. And it's not like just because you get married you stop myspacing. Plenty of married folk are on there. I think it's a legit thought that i could be posting pictures of me and my buddy, at 80 years old, showing the good times we are having at the bingo hall. Hopefully i can break the habit when it's time.....myspace is like crack.

So i slept in until almost noon today. Haven't done that in a long time, but i think it was much needed.

As ferrell reminded me, 6 days until florida. Remember to bring the video camera.

Go cubs.

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Jonah and i had our typical date last night to the movies to go see "The Bourne Ultimatum". I guess i would say it was a solid movie in the Trilogy, but to me the first one was still the best.

Apparantley tonight is going to be bowling night. Typically what happens when we go bowling is we all make a little wager....and then everybody ends up getting hammered...except me of course because i don't drink. And so since they can hardly see straight, i end up taking most of there money. At least that is how you would think it would work out, but because i am not the best bowler, the drunkards still hold there own. Fun times though, looking forward to it.

There is a very popular beauty salon right next door from my office. Seeing as my desk sits looking out towards the parking lot here in Scottsdale, it can become extremely distracting for obvious reasons, especially if you have ever seen some of the women in Scottsdale. There are certainly some interesting people walking in there. There are some people who seriously need to lay off the tanning. I never knew how many old people actually go to the tanning bed....and you would think that by living in the damn desert, they wouldn't need to. There must be some sort of addiction associated with tanning, maybe i should perform a study.

7 more days until Marco Island.

I seriously need to learn how to cook. My eating habits are becoming downright awful.

Country music has offically become my choice of music 90% of the time when listening to the radio. Very strange. Must have something to do with getting older or something, i dunno.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

It's business time

Can't imagine driving over a bridge and it just collapsing to the ground into a River. How does that happen?

Ate Rubio's for the 3rd time in 3 days today.

I've had the movie "letters from Iwojima" for over a week now from Netflix, and i just got "reno 911: miami" today, and as it stands i have watched Reno 911 but still not Letters from Iwojima.

Treadmills make me feel faint for some reason. I swear i about blacked out a few times while running today for no reason.

Cubs are in 1st place. Can i get a booyeah Stuart Scott?

It's business time.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

ok, so be that way, why you wanna give me run around

My days are starting to run together, even the weekends. They all seem to be the same. Even something as small as going to the store seems a welcome relief from the typical work-workout-shower-eat-tv/computer-sleep routine. The rain has been a nice change. I would prefer it to rain while i am working though, and not the minute i get off work. But it's still cool to see a thunderstorm every once in a while.

I'm debating on whether it would be a good idea to go fishing while in Florida. I haven't fished since i was about 10 years old. But when i was down in FLorida in May, i met with some people who went fishing and said it was the time of there life. It could make for high comedy though, with the crew i will have with me.

Remind me to bring a video camera to Florida.

Have you ever noticed that there are people in your life who just put off such a positive vibe, that you really enjoy being around them? And then there are people who put off negative vibes without even doing anything, which inturn takes away all of your energy. They could be one of your closest friends, but there attitude just makes you want to keep your distance. A better example is the unspoken chemistry you would find between a male an a female. But i believe that everyone has some form of chemistry between them, and some people naturally just put off better vibes than others. My whole point to this paragraph and thought process, is i really wonder what kind of chemistry and vibes i put off towards others. Do they see me as a negative person? Or do people enjoy when i am in the room more so than when i am not? Maybe it's just case by case, depending on who the other person or persons are.

I've got to quit eating macaroni and cheese. It makes me feel like a balloon.

Monday, July 30, 2007

tennis anyone

I'd like to announce my new favorite mexican food as Rubio's. The carne asada tacos taste exactly like the ones i get from the street vendor's in mexico. Except at Rubio's i don't worry about what i am actually eating.

I saw a mountain bike at the store the other day that i almost bought. How can i not take advantage of the arizona terrain with a mountain bike? Seems like a good investment. Maybe after i return from Florida i will start my mountain biking career.

I hiked camelback yesterday. On my way down my right foot slipped and my left was caught behind a boulder and i twisted my knee. For a second i thought i had blown out my knee, but luckily the pain went away after a few minutes, and even though it feels a bit off, i don't think it is serious. That certainly would of put a sudden end to my Mountain biking career.

My tennis game has gotten much better since i started playing recently. I am really enjoying playing and my forehand is getting decent. My serve sucks but doesn't really hurt me at least. Anyway, maybe instead of golf, tennis will be the sport i play until i get old. It would undoubtedly keep me in better shape than golf. Then once i am too old for tennis i can finish off my life just playing ping pong.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

The surreal life

There seems to be a lot of really major life changing things going on in the people's lives who are close to me. One of my best bud's Taf and his wife just gave birth to there first child yesterday, very excited for them. That totally makes me feel old. My sister is about to give birth to her twins, makes me feel even older. I found out today one of my high school buds just got called up to the big leagues for the San Diego Padres. Even though it has nothing to do with me, i just find that to be really cool and look forward to following his career. I had an ex-girlfriend get married last week. My grandma is having cancer surgery tomorrow. Ferrell just bought a house(totally means we are getting old). And on a horribly sad note, one of my co-workers brother died due to a random electrocution accident this past weekend. One of the saddest things i have ever seen.

It's been a very surreal week for me, even though my day to day life hasn't been any different than normal, but everybody around me seems to have something crazy going on.

I've definitely been blessed with many things in my life. A great family with each member being very unique and talented. I've made some great friends who i know would bend over backwards for me, as i would for them. I've been able to take vacations and travel more than the average person. I've had great health. I've learned from mistakes without them being too major to overcome. I've never gone hungry....etc.

So my even steven attitude makes me believe that there could be a lot of things in store for me in the future as far as major events affecting my life, not necessarily all good. I'm just hoping when the bad does come, myself and whoever else it affects will be able to ride it out until the good things come. I feel like i have skated through life to this point, so the major challenges must be around the corner somewhere. At least that makes sense in my mind.

A few things of note from today's events. I woke up to the dog shitting in the kitchen while i was half asleep. So for some reason i decided to get dressed and then i would clean it up on my way out the door. Well, when i went back to clean it up, the dog had eaten all of her own shit. I was trying not the barf while walking to my car.

Then, after i got done working out and about to hit the shower, nick and i were chatting and all of the sudden the dog takes a shit on the top of the backrest of the couch. I don't believe i will ever see that happen again in my lifetime, a dog 2 feet away from me shitting on the backrest of a couch! Who does that? It's like the dog was trying to impress me today with it's shitting tactics.

Anyway, Cubs win again.

Good luck Grammy

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

people are stupid

It's laundry time!

I have progressed since my younger days in that i now seperate the whites and the darks. Luckily i have no pink clothing.

I've decided it's time to learn how to play the guitar. I watched a movie last night called "once", and i realized it would be so enlightening for myself to be able to play a musical instrument. Besides, as you all know, i have a killer voice. I can only say that because nobody is reading this.

I've been single almost a year now, and there seems to be no end in sight. This is getting rediculous. With as many youngsters as there are in phoenix, you would think i would have at least a 1/365 chance of meeting a nice young lady. Apparantley the odds are against me.

Only a couple of more weeks until i will be sitting on the beach in florida.

Cubs win, cubs win.

Friday, July 20, 2007

george strait

I come to you from sunny mexico. I'm sitting in a condo by myself, as usual, when coming to mexico for work. I suppose that is my own fault though. Just got done with dinner at "the crows nest". It's this restaurant on the top of a big hill overlooking the entire city. It's a great view, especially at sunset. They had changed the menu from the last time i was there, and tonight's food was excellent. Can't say the same about the service, but guess there is no reason to be greedy right.

Had Dinner with Alberto and his wife...very nice people. Alberto is the Activities/Concierge for our company, and today was my first time meeting them. He speaks decent english, but she is still learning for the most part. It's such a different experience than what i am used to in the states, when the language barrier is there. But i think it's fun and good character builder. I really need to learn spanish though. I could probably get a raise.

I'm loving this new George Strait song titled "wrapped". It just flows really well and i find it to be a great song.

It's interesting to me that now that i am in mexico, a lot of the websites automatically switch to spanish. Apparantley the spanish word for 'link' is Vinculo.

I sat on the beach for a bit today, but didn't want to spend too much time out there so not to spoil my vacation coming up in a few weeks. Just don't want to wear off the excitement of being on a beach.

Cubs are on fire, only 2.5 back. Who would of thought, certainly not me. In my lifetime i have never seen them win so many games in 1 stretch, and i am guessing neither has my dad or grandpa. Obviously they are only setting themselves up for major failure at the end of the year.

Anywho, let's hope tomorrow goes well and maybe i will learn something.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

turn me inside out, and upside down

I'm thinking maybe what i am missing from life is that i should be doing something that i feel is meaningful. Like maybe work for a charity or non-profit organization for a cause that means something to me, or makes me feel like i am making a difference. Sounds very cheesy, but i am sure it would be much more satisfying going to bed every night.

Spent some time on a paddleboat last night in the middle of a small lake. Very intersting experience, one of those experiences you feel is kinda surreal for some reason. Like you start out your day thinking how your day is gonna go, then you find yourself in a very different situation. Needless to say, it was a lot of fun.

Is it too early to start counting down until i leave for vacation? We are within a month of throwing a football on the white sand beach and diving into the ocean.
It's gonna be an interesting time to see how well ferrell and jonah adapt to each other. Two totally opposite personalities, but i am predicting they will become great friends. I'm thinking a video camera might be a good idea for this vacation.

Jonah beat me to the punch today by buzzing all of his hair off. If i am to do that now, it will basically look like a bunch of skin heads live at apt 1031, as nick already has short hair as well. I think it will be my haircut of choice for Florida though.

Cubs are on a roll, swept the Stos' and Barry's oversized head roles into town tomorrow. Should be interesting. Cubs Woo

Thursday, July 12, 2007


I've always wanted to find a job that i don't really feel is a job, but something i really enjoy doing. In the past few years from analyzing my goals, dreams, unhappiness, and happiness... i've constantly been thinking of different ideas, jobs, inventions and such that would make me enough money and give me enough happiness and adventure that i wouldn't have to have a 9-5. Jonah and i just watched movie titled "10 mph" that pretty much went right along those lines.

I would love to do something that would allow me to see the entire world, without me having to break the bank, or go long periods of time without seeing family and friends, and would make waking up in the morning extremely easy. I certainly don't know what this is, but i will continue to think about it and i will let you know if i find it.

Cubs are 4.5 games back at the All-Star break, and there isn't a doubt in my mind that it's going to be one of the biggest let downs in Cubs history.

Sunday, July 8, 2007

shoulda sung neil diamond

Really contemplating shaving my head when i leave for florida next month, and not shaving the entire week. Maybe a new look for me, see how that works out.

Had a good weekend..Friday night i watched the "man vs. wild" marathon which was fine by me. Saturday we played some tennis right in the middle of the day...i felt like my game is improving, hit some solid forehands but still got beat.

Saturday night the 3 of us went to Nick's co-workers house for a cookout(or as they like to call them in AZ, a barbeque(which makes no sense unless you are barbequeing in my book)). Had a lot of fun, met some nice people. Did some swimming, brought my ping-pong game out of retirement which turned out very successful i must say, and overall had a very good night. Bummer Nick had to miss a lot of fun due to the bottle of Jaeger that quickly became his buddy, then turned on him.

But Jonah and i closed out the party strong by making it to the finals of the American Idol Karaoke tournament. We both got perfect scores in the 3rd round after my rendition of the Piano Man and jonah busting out some "straight up" by Paula Abdul. Unfortunately i picked a tough song in the finals, Jonah just didn't bring his A-game, which left Crystal to take home the title. Fun times though, and i think it's time to buy a karaoke machine.

I've come to realize that i struggle to sleep in like i used to. I really love to sleep in, as i am not much of a morning person. But i guess now that i am growing up my mind and body doesn't want me to waste any more hours of my life than i should. I miss not feeling bad about sleeping past 10am.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

flight of the conchords

You may have heard me talk about Flight of the Conchords, a new show on HBO. I find it to be hilarious, as do others apparantley. Anyway, below are parts 1-3 that make up episode 2. It's certainly different, but funny.

4th of July

Kinda strange having 1 day off in the middle of a work week. Mother Nature could of helped out a little bit and not made it the hottest day of the year, about 117 to be exact. Needless to say i ended up catching up on some sleep and stayed inside.

Last night the roomies and i went to see Die Hard. Definitely entertaining, typical Die Hard type of movie. Tonight we decided to hike to a spot on Camelback Mountain to get a good view of some fireworks. I personally thought it was an awesome spot to see them....and when i say them we were able to see about 12 different firework shows at the same time. Actually the best part was just seeing the city lights at night. If your ever in the Phoenix area for the 4th and have nothing better to do, i definitely suggest viewing the fireworks from up there.

Jonah just got Pizza Hut at 11:30pm, and now i am craving it. I guess it's a good thing i am going to bed. I've been eating like crap of late. I did finally make it to the grocery and bought some really good soup, tomato bisque i believe...It's really good to dip bread into.

This has been a pretty piss poor blog entry, but i am tired and just rambling.

Sunday, July 1, 2007

the week that was

Well, it's sunday evening the 1st day of July already. It certainly feels like july as it is supposed to be 117 on the 4th. Can't wait to spend my day off in that weather.

I played 3 softball games yesterday in a tournament. It had been about 3 weeks since my last softball game and any real strenuous running. And today i can tell. Normally when you play right center field in softball, you don't get too many balls hit your way. For some reason yesterday, i think about 50% of all the balls put in play were hit in my direction. So i was running around like crazy at full speed, not to mention running the bases after my fabulous weekly hit ground balls... So today i wake up and i am sore as can be and stiff as a bored. I wanted to climb camelback this evening, but there isn't a chance in hell of that. I am really starting to understand what it feels like to be getting old. This sucks. I need to hire a personal trainer to whip me in shape.

The past week has been another typical week in the life of Joe Sanders. Lots of work, lots of eating, lots of internet browsing, and lots of wishing it were the fall season already.

Things i did get accomplished were:
1) Finishing a book
2) Purchasing a plane ticket to Chicago for September
3) Purchasing a plane ticket for Indiana for Labor Day weekend
4) Consolidating much of my debt onto an American Express card
5) Paying way too many bills.
5) Not making my bed 1 time this week.

Overall, a very productive week.

Last night Jonah and i went on our Saturday night ice cream date after both having major cravings...and i asked for a banana split. So of course i am salivating for this 6$ chunk of delight for like 10 minutes as he makes it. Finally he tells me he is out of strawberries (jonah must of taken the last of them as he ordered some strawberry thingy) and that i can substitute something else if i would like. So after not finding any other berry type thing that fit my liking...the pressure was on. He mentioned apple fillling, and i said ok. Of course after taking my first bite, all i could taste was this apple filling and it quickly became one of the grosest ice cream things i had ever eaten, and so 3/4 of it was tossed. On the bright side i am still not fat.

My goals for the upcoming week are not to spend money. I spent way too much last week on plane tickets and crap. Even though i make more money now than i did a year ago, my bank account still seems to keep the same amount in it...I need to try and reverse that trend.

Cubs are rolling, won 8 out of 9 and could be within a few games of first place before the all-star break if things keep up. That past sentence obviously brought to you by a cub fan who still hasn't learned.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Only in Indiana

This story came to mind tonight, thought i would write about it so not to forget.

This one fall day(maybe spring...can't really remember) in Indiana, 3 of my buddies and i were headed from Kokomo to Lafayette, to hang out at my college apartment. I decided it might be quicker to take the country roads. For those of you not from the midwest, a country road basically means you drive on really skinny roads that cut between corn fields.

So anyway, i'm riding shotgun, my buddy Thatch is driving, with Case and Migrant in the back seat. Thatch had never taken this clever way of mine, so i was trying to guide him as we went. So as the sun is setting and we slowly approach this stop sign in the middle of nowhere, i told Thatch to just keep going straight, thinking he would follow the road. I didn't think i needed to tell him that there is about a 30 foot jog in the road to the right after the stop sign.

So as he rolls through the stop sign, i realize he isn't realizing there is no road directly ahead, rather it's a few feet to the right.

So at about 5mph, we slowly drive straight into this freshly rain-soaked muddy field in our littly chevy. I think the 3 of us passengers were immediatly befuddled as to why he drove straight into a cornfield, instead of following the road, and then also continued driving straight about 50 feet instead of stopping.. We all just kinda looked at each other and started laughing hysterically.

Anyway, this is where the fun began. Of course this little chevy was pretty much stuck out 50ft or so into this muddy cornfield. This college age girl stopped shortly after we got stuck and told us she would wait in case we needed her help with anything. So the 3 of us passengers got out in this muddy ass cornfield and decided we would try and push. So as we started pushing, of course the wheels started spinning and mud was flying everywhere. We continued trying to push even though we weren't making any progress....and of course we were all totally covered in mud as Thatch sat in his car clean as can be.

This Amish guy stops and tells us he would go to his barn nearby and get a rope to try and pull us out. Then this redneck farmer comes in his big truck and just tells Thatch to floor it and try to get out without us trying to push.

SO of course that worked and there was no need for any of us to get dirty in the first place. We were able to get out of the field before Amish guy came back with the rope. However, we were all so covered in mud that we all had to totally strip down to our boxers and ride the rest of the way in our underwear...

Anyway, i am still baffled as to how Thatch came to the conclusion that the field looked like a road....and i am also thankful for the 3 people that stopped to try and help us, who actually were probably thinking we were 4 cityboy idiots.

Those were the days.

Monday, June 25, 2007

the luckiest

Top video games from a 27 year old who never plays video games, but at one time played a few when really bored.

1. Super Mario Bros.
2. Tecmo Bowl
3. Mario 2
4. Mario 3
5. Mario Kart
6. Excite Bike
7. Tetris
8. MLB 2000
9. Double Dribble
10.College Football(newest year)

Honorable Mention:
Paperboy, Micro Machines, Track and Field, FIFA, Marble Madness, (can't think of any others, probably forgettting some really important ones}

Really digging this song by Ben Folds called "the Luckiest"...

I fully believe everything in life even's out, and it's just all about the attitude and approach you take to life that depends on how happy you are and how good of life you consider yourself to have. I feel like if something really good happens, there's probably 2 or 3 challenges right around the corner, and same holds true for the opposite. I think that is what makes my personality so even keil most of the time. Maybe not a good thing, but i can't help it. You can't really say i am an optomist because half the time i am thinking something bad will happen...but i am not a pessimist because half the time i know something good is coming. I guess i am just an even steven and try to walk the line and try not to get down as i know there is no point. Well, that makes sense to me anyway.

I'm still on the Country music kick. Maybe i should hit up the Brad Paisley concert coming soon. Actually the Tim McGraw, Kenny Chesney concert was one of my favorites i have ever been too, and i didn't even really know who they were back then.

Anyway, big win for the cubbies today....hanging in there.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

It's been too long Denny

The anticipated trip of mom's arrival to the wild west turned out to be a lot of fun. I think i gained about 10 lbs with as much as mom likes to buy me food. She must think i am too skinny. Sedona was a lot of fun. I really need to spend more time up there, more weekends to just hike around and get out of steamy phoenix. I've been wanting to rent one of these homes http://www.foresthousesresort.com/ if i can find people to go with me.

I capped off mom's trip tonight with a dinner at Denny's. Not sure why, i was hungry for breakfast, and it was kinda a later dinner, so Denny's sounded like the place to go. It had been about 6 years since my last Denny's experience. As i was sitting there, i wondered why it had been so long. The place is great, and it's always fun, food is ok, but i just really enjoy eating there. Not too mention it's cheap and they have lot's of desserts to choose from. Anybody up for Denny's?

Cubbies finished off the sweep of the Sox this weekend. Looks like things are looking up for the Northsiders, pretty happy about that.

Something i really have wondered since moving out here is why they pay people to hold up signs on the street corners. I don't understand that. IT's probably a good way for poor people to make some easy cash. But it seems like such a waste of money. Back home, we just stand the signs up so we don't have to pay for anybody to hold the sign. But i guess that makes too much sense. I mean, i see these guys twirling these signs around so fast, you can't even read them anyhow. Just bothers me.

If you said a little prayer for my shuttle AC, then your prayers helped. IT apparantley is fixed and blowing colder than ever! Thanks for that.

Watching my 2nd episode of flight of the concords, and me like very much. Freakin hilarious i say. Gotta have HBO though.

Mom's and i were discussing that my siblings really need to come to AZ and visit me, mainly birdshit. I moved away a long time ago and she has yet to come see me. It's not like i am asking her to come to North Dakota....i have lived in California and in Arizona, 2 vacation destinations. And yet no visit by my sister. Oh well.

Well, writer's block has set in.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

mom's in the house

Well, time to throw your turkey on the sidewalk, it's officially hot as an oven outside in the valley.

My mom made her way out west last night to see her baby boy. We had a great dinner at Aregano's last night, about 1am her time. She couldn't of picked a more brutal 4 days in june to be in Phoenix, so i need to make the trip worth her time.

Nick's dog got spade a few days ago, so we have a dog moping around our house on the injured list. I think lil' jordy will pull through in fine fashion though. I wonder if getting spade will stop her from eating chunks of carpet....any correlation there? Probably not.

Somehow this bed i bought about 5 months ago has managed to become hard as a rock. I don't get it. It's got a pillow-top mattress and it's just not comfortable anymore. In fact, i wake up every single morning with my back hurting. I guess i need to go out and buy a pad or something, i sure has hell am not buying a new mattress anytime soon.

Thought about purchasing Dave Matthews tickets tonight...but then i realized i don't have anybody to go with yet, and the best seats available were in the last row of the pavilion. I think i will wait until a few days before and re-evaluate my situation, maybe some better seats will open up. I haven't been to a dave concert in a few years, i think it's time to get back. Norah jones had a concert here in phoenix the other day that i wanted to hit up, but forgot about that.

I was off my game at work today. Not sure what it was, but i just felt like i sounded like an idiot when dealing with people, like i didn't know what i was talking about. It was strange. Maybe the heat is getting to me.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

say a little prayer for me.....and my A/C

I came across this website again tonight www.homestarrunner.com ... .
I think the last time i looked at it was when i was in high school. Still retardedly funny.

At work one of my responsabilities is to run our shuttle business that goes from Phoenix to Mexico via a 12 passenger Mercedes Sprinter van. Well, this damn van's rear air conditioning unit is not working properly. So for the past month i have taken it in to different places and nobody seems to have a clue what the problem is, as it's a pretty unique system. I finally found a place that seems to of figured it out, but when they order the part from Chrysler or whoever it is that supposedly MIGHT fix it, they keep getting sent the incorrect part. Our shuttle has been out of commision for a month now, and it is really stressing me out. And needless to say this all falls on my shoulders to get this thing up and running, but i sure as hell can't fix air conditioners. I seriously wake up every morning now praying that today is the day i get good news, instead, it is always the opposite. So if anybody is reading this, i would appreciate a little prayer said for my air conditioner to regain it's strength to be able to cool the passengers on there way to there vacations in mexico.

My moms fly's in tomorrow evening for about 5 days. Pretty excited about that.

I have 2 ex girlfriends now getting married, both of whom were my most serious relationships. I guess in a way that's pretty cool. Not really sure why i think that, but maybe because it makes me feel like i might not be far away. Or you could look at it the other way, but i had better not or that would be depressing.

Today i went to FedEx/kinkos to have them package and ship some items for customers who had left things in Mexico. As i approached the counter, i expected some sort of hello, or acknowledgement of my existence that i was standing there. I noticed he was busy messing with his computer and some labels, but you still expect something when your standing 2 feet from somebody. I kept standing and standing and probably close to 10 minutes went by without any acknowlegment. In case you don't know me, i am probably one of the only people who would stand there without saying anything, trying not to be confrontational as usual. Finally another customer came up who i guess he was helping before me and he finished him off. Then he finally asked how he could help me. Internally i was so annoyed, until i realized when he started talking that he probably had some sort of mental disorder. I instantly became unannoyed and glad that i hadn't said anything, as i realized that he probably just didn't know. I'm not sure why i am telling this little story, but it was just one of those moments in life where i was glad that i am patient and unconfrontational, because i would of felt like a total jerk had i said something. He ended up doing a great job for me and was very friendly.

Jonah and i saw this performer on America's Got Talent tonight who came out and sang and played a Sting Song on the Guitar. His name was Cas Haley, a name that you should remember. I predict he will become a big time artist very soon, as i personally thought he was very talented and unique.

Well, peace and taco grease, that's my story.

Monday, June 18, 2007

things that make you go hmmm

Well, it's monday, and my monday flew by like it always does. Work tends to be really busy on mondays, which i enjoy. It's normally lunch time before i get a chance to catch my breath.

Lately i have been listening to a lot of country music. I think that corrolates to times when i feel a little homesick. I guess i associate country music with Indiana for some reason, even though i rarely ever listened to country music when i lived in indiana. I guess another factor is i get so sick of hearing the same songs on the radio all the time that country music, to me at least, is just a feel good breather from the pop crap. Not too mention there are some songs i really like singing while in my car.

So i just watched the first episode of the new reality show "age of love"..It pits a bunch of 40 year old ladies vs. some 20 year old ladies, for the right to win the heart of Tennis star Mark Phillopouses..Jonah and i both agreed there is 1, maybe 2 of the 40 year olds that has a chance, and we haven't seen much of the 20 year olds yet. Even though i think 2 of the 40 year olds seem to be good catches, unless the 20 somethings are absolutely rediculously dizty and half-retarded, then i can't see him picking one of the older ladies. But i like the idea of the show, more so for myself to follow along and see if i would pick one of the older ladies. Very interesting stuff i say.

Genine Gerafalo was weirdly brought up on 2 seperate occasions in my household tonight. Very strange.

Flight of the Concords...a new HBO show i find a bit funny. Here's a clip of the fellas. The actual show is a bit different.

I still think 2pac lives.

I've got nothing else to say at this point as this tv show "American Ninja" from 1985 has totally captivated my attention.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Fathers Day

Well, Father's Day arrived today and it has become a day of mixed emotions for me since i moved away from Indiana. The past 2 fathers days have made me wonder why i chose to live so far away from my family. My father has Multiple Schlorosis, and it makes me feel like a selfish ass most of the time because i am not there to help him out. I'm sure he wants me to live my life and all, but days like today really make me wonder what the hell i am doing so far away from home and the people i love. It also doesn't help that my sister is having twins in a few months, which will be my first nephews, and i won't be there.

But on the other hand moving to Phoenix has turned out to be a great move for me career wise and i really love it out here. I've had a blast. The only thing hanging over my head right now is finishing school. It sounds like it would be an easy thing to do, but as much as i struggled my first 4 years in school, and as much as i work now, it's really not something i have been dying to do. I guess i just need to suck it up, especially since my life and career choice finally has some direction.

Anyway, i really do miss my family, especially my dad on this fathers day. I think the next 6 months will tell how long my time in Phoenix will last....to be determined by job, a girl entering my life, and school.

This past week was pretty uneventful like normal. In fact, i can't even remember if anything happened this past week other than this weekend. Friday night was a lot of fun. Nick turned 27 and about 16 of us met up for Dinner. It was a lot of fun and something we should do more often. Then on saturday, 5 of us went to the Salt River and tubed down the river for 4 hours. It was a lot of fun, maybe a bit long, but something i suggest doing at least once. The sun wore me out and i was in bed fairly early last night. Today i woke up and made a phone call to my dad. He seemed excited to talk to me which made me feel good and bad at the same time(read paragraphs above as to why). Then i proceeded to watch the cubs get hammered, no suprise there.

After sitting around most of the day, reading a book, surfing the internet, and trying to get out of the sun, it was time to get some exercise. So i hit the gym, then hiked camelback like normal on sundays. The weather was great by 6pm and it was a nice sunset from the top of the mountain.

I'm sitting here watching Entourage and wondering why i just don't try to become an actor. I realize i am not one who needs or likes attention, but i think i could handle it for the money and lifestyle. I can't be any worse than half the actors out there.

Lesson learned this week: I need to gamble more often.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Life is Beautiful

Another week gone by. My weekend ended up consisting of practicing my golf swing. That wasn't the origional plan, but after hitting the driving range at 10pm friday night, then playing 18 holes on saturday, it seemed to of worked out that way. It did pay off as i won 11$ from my compadres.

Just finished watching the movie 'Life is Beautiful'...If you haven't seen it, i highly recommend it. It's one of those rare movies that can have a sad and happy ending at the same time. It's all subtitles, so don't force somebody else to watch it with you if you don't think they have the patience.

Picked up a book called "Can i keep my Jersey" by Paul Shirley. I read about a third of it today, find it to be very entertaining and enjoyable to read.

Cubs blew a lead tonight and lost, but overall had a much better week. Things might be looking up...might being the key word.

I feel i have eaten way too much this week. It seems as though when i go to the grocery store and get good food, i am not patient enough to wait to eat things. I tend to just constantly eat. Now, when i have no food in the cabinets and i go get fast food, i tend not to eat as much. So, i guess i can argue that i am better off eating fast food so not to get fat. Because i certainly feel that i gained about 10 pounds just from the fact that i did well at the grocery store.

I didn't get much exercise this weekend either other than lifting weights. That certainly won't help me much in losing weight. Not too mention my sports leagues have all come to an end, so i guess i really need to make sure i start a good exercise regimen for myself.

"So, since you wanna be with me, you'll have to follow through, with every word you say, and i, all i really want it you, you to stick around, i'll see you everyday, but you'll have to follow through". Can you name that tune?

Big week ahead of me at work. Lots of changes going on. Should make for an interesting week.

I am debating on whether to keep my hair short or grow it out a little longer, change up the style a bit. Even thought about buzzing it off for the summer like i did as a kid, but probably won't. It definitely needs some work though. I have cut my own hair since i was about 16 years old. I think i paid like 7$ for the haircut. My buddy went ot get his lovely locks cut last week and he paid like 30$. I couldn't believe it. Imagine the money i have saved though in the past 10 years on haircuts though. You would think because of the fact i cut my own hair and i don't drink alcohol that those 2 factors would have made me a rich man by now. I guess things just don't work that way. I must buy more coke than other people or something.

It's really heating up here in the Valley. I'm hoping it's not too hot when my mom comes in a week and a half. She seems to always come out here in the summer when it's unbearable. It will be good to see her though.

Well, as ferrell would say, that's all i know.

Sunday, June 3, 2007

summer and beyond

Well, this weekend was pretty useless. Jonah and i went to Chili's friday night for dinner which was cool and tasty, then came home and watched apocolypto, which was pretty good. Didn't do much on saturday other than watch the cubs implode once again, played a little tennis, and went to watch Knocked Up at night. That movie is really good and hilarious if you haven't seen it. I give it 2 thumbs up.

I did a sunset hike this evening at Camelback. I stopped along the way to take a few pictures. I actually did pretty well for not hiking in a while.

Things that have been on my mind of late:
I need to register for some classes to finish up school.
I need to find new things to do while in Arizona.
I need to start paying off my debts quicker and get rid of them.
I need to visit vegas.
I need to come up with a short term plan on my future and set guidelines as to where i need to be going.
I need to start having a little more fun.

I can't believe how picky and impatient i have become when it comes to dating and girls. I guess that is a good thing. I really just am at the point where i don't want to waste my time, money and feelings on somebody i know i won't end up with. I am sure i am probably gonna miss out on some fun, but i would much rather be single then tied down to somebody i'm not that in to. Just something made even more clear to me this week.

Things i am looking forward to this summer:
Exciting changes at work and more responsibility.
Exploring more of arizona.
Finding a new place to live.
Going to Florida on vacation for a week.
Hiking with my new friend.
Playing golf.
Seeing if jonah ends up becoming a world traveler.

Well, that is all i have to say at this point.

Thursday, May 31, 2007

hey jealousy

I've come to realize that certain things that i do as a person can make me seriously unhappy with myself, so much so i feel sick. It's as if i disappoint myself so much and become somebody that i always try not to be, that it gets me so depressed and almost sick to my stomach thinking about it. To some it would be great, to me it's the worst feeling in the world.

And it's really not that big of a deal, but for some reason in my mind it's a huge deal, and one i try desperately to stay away from.

Anyway, today was a good day. I watched the taping of a tv segment for channel 3 that they are doing on our company in there studio this morning. It was pretty cool to see how that all works.

I also changed my roomates flat tire. Sadly it was kinda exciting for me to do that, such a break from the norm, and not something you get to do everyday. I guess it just makes you feel good to do stuff like that....as long as it's not your car.

McDonald's for dinner treated me good. The new homestyle chicken sandwich was lovely.

I found the show "planet earth" on this website that you can watch on the internet. www.tv-links.co.uk It's such a fascinating show and one of those things you just can't stop watching. I watched the one about 'fresh water' last night before falling asleep, and it was amazing the stuff they show on there. If you get a chance to see it, watch planet earth. It's amazing, and normally is shown on the Discovery Channel.

Supposed to be the hottest summer ever in Phoenix this summer, up into the 120's. Not sure how i will handle that.

Cubs suck.

I really need to get out and do something this weekend.

Welp, today's lesson learned was it's much more fun to change somebody else's tire.

Friday, May 25, 2007

Comeback cubbies

Well, i would hate to jinx them, but the cubs scored 7 runs in the 6th to take a big lead over the dodgers. Pretty pumped about that.

Found this video to be pretty hilarious...maybe because i like harry carry.

The roomies are starting to booze at 10:30 and it's looking like they are wanting to hit the bars. I think i am gonna pass, seeing as this game won't be over for a while and i don't want to go.

Dodgers just loaded the bases and nobody is out. Jinxed it in the first paragraph.

Had subway for dinner. The guy put too many jalopenos on my sandwhich.

2 strikes....

Jonah is drinking champaigne out of a regular glass, fully filled, like it's normal.
Nothing beats korbel on a friday night.

fouling off pitches, still 2 strikes...

Single, 1 run scored, bases still loaded, pitching change....cubs up 2 still, nobody out.

I'm really glad the 3 day weekend is here. It's looking like i am not gonna do much, which is sorta dissapointing. But i guess it's not so bad to relax every once in a while.

wild pitch..another run scores...cubs only up 1 now.

cubs suck, game tied...i'm done writing.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

now there's nothing left to say

Well, i made it back from my tour of duty in Florida. I spent most of the time in the hotel working, stepped foot on the beach once, and rarely slept. But it was fun. It made the trip much better for me knowing i was going to be coming back for a week to sit on the beach and soak up the sun.

Anyway, this puppy is sitting on my bed staring at his shadow on the wall and is really confused. Now she is growling at her shadow. Now she is sniffing it. Interesting.

I really feel i want to take advantage of this 3 day weekend, my first in a long time. I've contemplated california, vegas, grand canyon, mexico, seattle...But just not sure what i want to do. I have a feeling i will end up here, sitting by the pool, worrying about work, and wishing i had more of a life. We'll see what happens.

Tonights season finale of lost was magnifico. They threw some big twists in there of course, but who really knows what is going on. It's amazing to me that the next season doesn't start until almost february. I will have to go out and buy the dvd just to remember what happened in season 3 before season 4 starts. Hmm...those abc people sure are smart, based on what my last sentence just said. I'm sure i am not the only one who will be doing that.

It bothers me sometimes when i fly and the person next to you never even says hi. How can you sit next to somebody, shoulder to shoulder, and not even say hi to them. I mean, it seems to me it would make the flight better if you befriend the person next to you, and have a conversation about interesting parts of each others lives. I could be sitting next to michael jackson's kid and would have no clue because we didn't talk to each other. I guess that is the world we live in, but that bothers me, and i'm not even much of a talker.

This dog is now eating his dog tag that is on his collar.

My sister is having twins and is trying to come up with names. She currently has braden and jameson....but i'm not sure about those. They just sound like they would be troublemakers.

Well, there is nothing left to say, as i am wiped out.

Monday, May 14, 2007

monday's random thoughts

Well, we are a day past mothers day, and if any of you forgot to give your mom a gift, you might want to send her this video.

Well, the suns just pulled a win out of there ass. Go crazy Phoenix.

I want to apologize to any of my ex girlfriends who were offended by my last blog.

2 more days until florida and the humidity. I need to remember to do Laundry and Iron some nice clothes tomorrow night.

I wasn't a fan of Cold Stone until i had this Banana split thing there tonight. The strawberries just made my night.

I was in Best Buy tonight on my solo date(which was capped off by Cold Stone)and i saw this CD that was featured called Indiana. I then realized it was this guy named Jon McGlaughlin who a couple of years ago stole one of my best friends girls away from him and is now married to her. Of course that didn't stop me from buying the cd and letting my buddy know i bought it.

Does is get any better than Radiohead when your not really sure what mood your in?

My granpa got to come home from the Nursing home today. That is great news! Wish i was there.

I really wish somebody could walk on my back right now. I haven't had a back message in like 3 years. Maybe one of these dogs will help me out..... Nope, seems they only know how to hump my leg and lick my face.

Sometimes i wish i was Ronnie Woo Woo....

Sunday, May 13, 2007

being single

I'm really kinda sick of being single. I'd much prefer to be single than to date somebody i am not nuts about. But being out here with only a few friends and away from my family, it would be really nice to have somebody else to hang out with. I realize it's my fault i am single, i am way too picky, and don't really put myself out there.

But i don't really think somebody needs to go out looking to find somebody. I think it should just happen and you will meet that person eventually because you are supposed to meet them. In the land of pretentous people, it's very difficult to find somebody that probably fits what i am looking for. I mean, one criteria i have is can i see this girl fitting in with my immediate and extended family. And out here in Phoenix, lol, that is gonna be hard to find considering where i come from! I've kinda come to realize i might be single until the day i move away from Phoenix...but i hope not.

But hanging out with the guys on a friday night is getting kind of old. It would be nice to be at a movie with a good looking girl than with 2 dudes! Not that i don't enjoy my buds, but i am sure they feel the same way.

I've come to a point in my life where i don't really want to waste my time dating somebody if i know it's not going to go somewhere. Before i used to do that, but i think i know what i want now, and there is no reason to settle for anything other than that. I dunno, just felt like writing that, maybe somebody will take pitty on me!

my weekend

I was pretty tired from the week on friday, ended up watching boxing until about 2am. Here is one of the best fights you will ever watch. Rounds 3,5,9, and 10 are unbelievable.

So i got up and went to the pool early. It was my first attempt at getting some sun this year, and it was a successful attempt. I am not fried. I thought my burn would be gone by now, but it seems to be getting worse.

Watched the Suns game at Yard House on saturday evening. Can't say i didn't enjoy the fact that they lost, considering i'm a pacers fan and i was watching it with a bunch of suns fans. It's always fun to root against the house. Of course i am sure nobody had a clue i wasn't rooting for the suns.

Ended up coming home after the game, watched a movie and went to bed.

Cubs won today finally. Big series coming up against the Mets, then the SOX. Wish i was back in Chicago for that one.

I was dissapointed in myself today. I hiked camelback probably a little too early than i should of, while it was still 100 degrees, and really struggled. Not so much physically but mentally. It wasn't a fun hike, and i was only about 1 of 2 people on it. And what really hurt me was that this dude came running by me like it was nothing, and made me feel like i was a wuss. Next time should be better, hopefully not as hot.

This is going to be a busy week for me. I fly to florida on wednesday( www.marcoislandmarriott.com ) then work non-stop the next 4 days. Should be interesting. I will be drained on sunday, but then have to get right back to work on monday. It will be a nice break from the day to day grind of a normal week.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Starbucks makes me nervous

The Video is for those of you who's birthday it is. Enjoy

So my day started off getting a call at 7am that our alarm at work was going off. Luckily even though i was half asleep, i remembered the code and the guy didn't have to call the police. But i didn't get out of bed to run to the office to turn it off, what's the point, i am first there anyway..

So then, i get to the office and it was my turn to make a starbucks run. Now, this was only going to be my third time ever in a starbucks. And i am not a coffee conassiour(sp), so i don't ever really know what to get. It was easy reading off what my coworkers ordered, but i kinda got nervous when it was my turn because i don't know what anything is. Starbucks make me nervous!! I ended up getting what i usually get even though it's nasty, which is a vanilla cappucino. Then, i get coffee breath for the rest of the morning. Really, couldn't somebody of come up with a better invention than coffee in the morning, something that tastes better and doesn't leave you with bad breath? Not too mention something that doesn't involve mochas and frapuchino's and latte's? I mean, what in the hell is a latte? Apparantley i am the only idiot who doesn't know these things because starbucks is bigger than Micheal Jackson in his prime right now.

Anyway, the rest of the day really drug on, and i got stuck at work until almost 7 waiting on people.

From there, it was home to eat, then wait until 9pm to play the first game of our basketball tournament. We got moved up to the A division, should of been there the entire season. We crushed the other team, and i am finally getting my game back. I think the tournament put a little extra spring in my step.

So i just got done watching the Bachelor. They are down to 4 girls and did the hometown dates. Anyway, this Idiot bachelor guy ends up kicking off the best looking, half way normal girl because she was too young for him. Now, this girl is a 23 year old, very mature school teacher, while he is like 29. What 29 year old guy would do such a thing?! Meanwhile, he picks these 3 other girls, one of whom just told him she was divorced, the other who keeps bringing up her dead ex boyfriend, and the 3rd has to be pushing 38 years old. Don't the producers have the right to step in and knock some sense into this guy? I think it's time i sign up for the show and see if i can be the first bachelor to not make a fool of himself, not make out with every girl, and pick the right girl. Can't be that hard. This guy is a Navy doctor and he comes off like he 18 years old.

Anyway, that was my day....this weekend is looking pretty sweet, total open schedule, no work, lots of sun, maybe some hiking, and maybe a new book...oh, and i need to buy an ipod.

Sanders out

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Wednesday i think

Well, it's wednesday evening and that means there was an Episode of Lost on. I'm pretty sure i didn't enjoy tonights episode, but i should let it digest and maybe i will change my mind tomorrow.

There are 2 dogs humping on my bed right now, missionary style, which you don't see much from animals...i'm just happy i am not involved.

It's hotter than blazes out now in the Phoenix Metro area. I think i will finally need to hit the pool this weekend since i have nothing going on, and i desperatley need to rid myself of this farmers tan. It's been a while since i went swimming. Hope i don't sink.

I am watching this show about the army on the history channel being narrated by that old guy who was in Saving Silverman. He seems to be getting his kicks from watching all of these soilders injured. There are showing medivac helicoptors in Iraq and how they do there thing. Some of you out there might find that to be interesting. This guy is getting this huge needle stuck in his finger, ouch. They did mention the medic can't stray more than 5 minutes from the helicopter...Is that true?

Dogs must of worn themselves out, they are taking a break.

I really drank too much coke today. I need to start drinking more water.

I did finally get my car washed for the first time since i got it. That might be a record for somebody who got a ne w car to go without washing it. I should look that up.

I need to find a good book to read. Haven't come across anything lately that has kept my interest. Anybody have any ideas?

Ok, bedtime.

Monday, May 7, 2007


So i leased this new vehicle a month or so ago....and i absolutely love it. However, i almost cringe every time i see it because i know what i am paying for it. I really don't need a nice car, but it's so nice not having to worry about it breaking down.

But when i think about it, i feel i have almost commited all of the 7 deadly sins just buy getting this FJ.

I lusted after the damn thing to make me feel good about having it.
Pride, well, i am proud to drive it.
Envy, well...i live in scottsdale and see all these nice cars, so i thought i should have one.
Greed, i totally don't need that nice of a car.
Gluttony, do i really need an suv? Why didn't i get a prius.
Sloth, well, i now want to drive everywhere instead of maybe a walk, hope i don't get fat.
Anger, i was angry at myself for getting talked into getting this ride from the salesman when i didn't need it.

I really did feel they made the car specifically for me though, and there wasn't any way i wasn't going to get one. So can you really fault me?

monday monday, la la, la la la la

So why do dogs scratch at bed sheets? Is it to warm up a spot....or warm up there feet, or just because they are bored. I am sitting here watching this dog go to town on my bed, messing up my sheets and then just staring at the bed. Now she is growling at nothing. I wish i had that life.

Work went well today...i was really busy all day so the day flew by. I did pretty well on some commisions today as well. After work, it was off to the weight room...then a quick shower. It was time to go do a little shopping.

I went to REI for the first time, and found all sorts of goodies i would love to buy. I did end up buying a camel pack(not the cigarrettes), and definitley plan on heading back there when i feel like spending more money. I also decided it's time to buy some new shorts, so it was off to PV mall where i ended up buying some shorts at AE, and 2 shirts at Old Navy. How can you pass up a 5$ long sleeve shirt and a 1o$ collared shirt?! I felt like i was robbing the place.

Then, i decided i was going to be lazy and went and got some food at wendy's.

My roomate pulled out his nintendo 64 tonight and it looks like mario cart is going to be played all night every night for a while. I suck at it, but my roomate is an all-american apparantley. Hopefully i can improve so i don't stay 3rd place all the time.

Yes, this is my life...i need a hobbie.

Sunday, May 6, 2007

sunday sunday

Today i went on a trip with my co-workers on a tour of the apache trail...Enough said.

After that, i ended up hiking camelback. The weather was perfect and i think i made it up in my best time yet, or at least it felt like it since i don't time myself. But i was barely winded and it's getting easier and easier. From there, it was on to a much needed nap before making my mac and cheese.

And that was my sunday.

cinco de mayo

well, cinco de mayo has almost come and gone....and considering i don't drink, to me it's just may 5th. It was a good day though. Started off with a flag football game in which we got the dub..Then came home and made my bed, messed around on the internet a bit, and ate 3 hot dogs(which i have since regretted doing).

From there, it was our first tennis match between the roomates, since they finally opened the court..I took the first set from jonah, lost the 2nd to nick, and took the 3rd again from Jonah. All in all it was a good time, except for the fresh blister created on my thumb.

From there, it was time to get prepared for the fight of the year, De La Joya vs. Mayweather...Went to the groceria, bought some shiz, then came back and started watching boxing while the friends came filing in the door. Fast forward a few hours later and the overhyped fight ends with an easy Mayweather victory...

It's time to listen to some drunk people laugh a lot while watching classic youtube clips and talk about possible plans for the rest of the night. Needless to say, it turns in to just being all talk and we sit around watching tv and messing on our computers. Oh, and a side note...there is a drunk girl passed out in my bed who couldn't handle watching the fight...i gotta get up early and would really like to be in my bed right now, so it's about time to wake somebody up.

Another side note, nick is quoting every line of bad boys 2 right now while hammered.... simply Amazing.

Well, it's time to see if i can get this person out of my bed and get some sleep. All in all, today was a good day..Hopefully tomorrow is even better.

Thursday, May 3, 2007


Well, another day another dollar i guess..I had a basketball game tonight. Pretty much suck at ball now, but enjoy the fact i am staying in shape. It's weird, when your young you never really think you will lose a step or get much worse. But i have come to the realization that i have lost a step and my game has fallen apart. I really don't care about my basketball skills anymore, haven't really cared much since i got out of high school. But it's more of a realization that a skill can deteriorate if not used much as you age. I never thought i would ever not care about basketball, considering it was the most important thing in my life for about 10 years. But once that competitive edge isn't there anymore, it's just not as fun. I guess i should find new hobbies.


We are down to the final few episodes of Season 3 of Lost...Tonights episode dealt with Sawyer being tricked into killing Locks father. It also really made me believe that the show is based on these people being in purgatory..They are really stressing lately that all of the people died in the plane crash, so we'll see how that turns out. Jack seems to be turning in to a major douche, but there is still time for him to come through. I think this show is brilliant, even the episodes that don't seem as good end up being the more important episodes at times.


well, i am new to this whole thing, and don't really know what to write about. My days all seem to be running together, always looking forward to the weekend even though i seem to be working a lot of weekends recently. This weekend should be a good one. I have a game on saturday morning, wouldn't mind hiking camelback after that...then watching the De La Hoya fight in the evening while eating some good food hopefully. Then sunday a company called "Detours of Arizona" is taking my office staff on a tour of the Apache Trail for free. So that should be fun. It would be nice to not have anything to do for once on a weekend, but these days i am not to keen on being overly lazy like i was when i was younger. It makes me feel as if i am wasting my life away, not taking advantage of what Arizona has to offer. I mean i did leave Indiana for a reason, and that was not to sit on the couch all day!

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

My first blog

Well, we'll see how this goes and if i am interesting enough to be read. About to watch "Lost", maybe my favorite drama of all time. Will write more later.