Wednesday, August 22, 2007

full house

Well, i am officially an uncle of 2 boys as of about an hour ago. I think their names are Jameson and Keegan, but as many times as my sister has changed their names, i will need to get confirmation on that. I guess my vote didn't count for them to be named after their favorite uncle Joey.

Not really sure exactly what the job responsibilty of an uncle is. But i think it involves only fun stuff like gift giving, wrestling with the kids, holding them until they cry or need to use the restroom, and making funny faces at them. I'm pretty sure i will never have to change a diaper, although since she got 2 babies for the price of one, the rules might change?

I still need to get some gifts for when i go home next weekend. I am absolutely clueless on what to get, but i think its probably gonna involving some small clothes or toys or something. If anybody has any good suggestions let me know.

Cubbies are looking like they are about to score here in the 10th inning. We'll see if they can blow it.

I'm pretty sure i am going to win the $250 million powerball here in a few minutes. That would allow me to buy lots of baby presents.

Cubs just scored to take the lead. Maybe it is my lucky night!

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