Tuesday, July 24, 2007

people are stupid

It's laundry time!

I have progressed since my younger days in that i now seperate the whites and the darks. Luckily i have no pink clothing.

I've decided it's time to learn how to play the guitar. I watched a movie last night called "once", and i realized it would be so enlightening for myself to be able to play a musical instrument. Besides, as you all know, i have a killer voice. I can only say that because nobody is reading this.

I've been single almost a year now, and there seems to be no end in sight. This is getting rediculous. With as many youngsters as there are in phoenix, you would think i would have at least a 1/365 chance of meeting a nice young lady. Apparantley the odds are against me.

Only a couple of more weeks until i will be sitting on the beach in florida.

Cubs win, cubs win.

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