Sunday, August 5, 2007

feed the habit

Update on bowling night last night. As i predicted, there was some heavy drinking going on by my competitors, mainly NIck....and it allowed me to bring home the bacon once again. When will these guys learn? I think jonah actually has learned as he upped his game and didn't drink too much, but the pins stopped falling for him.

Do you think all of us will be myspacing when we are all senior citizens? It's sounds funny, but think about how addicted most of us probably are to that damn site. And it's not like just because you get married you stop myspacing. Plenty of married folk are on there. I think it's a legit thought that i could be posting pictures of me and my buddy, at 80 years old, showing the good times we are having at the bingo hall. Hopefully i can break the habit when it's time.....myspace is like crack.

So i slept in until almost noon today. Haven't done that in a long time, but i think it was much needed.

As ferrell reminded me, 6 days until florida. Remember to bring the video camera.

Go cubs.

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