I just finished watching the documentary called "the bridge". It focuses on people jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge to there death, and family and friends of these people talk about the mental state of what the people were like.
Obviously a very sad documentary.
But it got me thinking about just how far away from my mental state must i be to even consider doing something like that. In my mind, there is always tomorrow. And even on the most horrific of days, tomorrow can always be a better day. You never know what can happen. Everybody body has there bad days, but most people can wake up the next day and realize that everything always will get better.
Each individual suicide case is different i'm sure. Although most of them must feel like there is just no where else to turn and instead of living through there daily mental anguish, it would be easy to put themselves out of there misery.
I think so many people are depressed these days because our society has created such pressure on people to succeed. And if you don't succeed, then you can only be a failure. I was watching a talk by Sir Ken Robinson about how schools are totally ruining kids and how it will hurt society in the future. Well to a lot of extent i think he is correct. Along those same lines, i think our schools and society in general look down upon individual creativity and people who are not the norm. And the pressure to fit in, and be rich, and to make something of yourself is becoming greater with each generation.
Life is short, and when i really think about it, it seems so rediculous that most of us will waste 30 years of our lives sitting behind a desk or a computer to make ends meet, instead of actually doing what we really want to do and living life to the fullest. It's because our society only measures success based on how much money you make, how good looking your significant other is, and what kind of car you drive. So instead of actually doing something you privately dream about that would make you totally happy, you end up trying to live up to other peoples ideals and that, in my mind, creates unnecessary pressure and unhappiness.
I wish i could say i live by what i just wrote about, but of course i don't, and i have my 9-5 behind a desk. But hopefully the first step to lead me to fulfilling my real dreams is the realization that i know what would make me most happy and successful in my mind.
It's really sad to think that some poeple feel so trapped that there only alternative is to kill themselves. Why not instead of killing yourself, move to a place where you don't know anybody, and just start a new life. Create a new you where nobody knows a thing about you. Work at a video store the rest of your life if that makes you happy.
I dunno, to me it's just frustrating to see healthy people kill themselves, when in actuality there are so many alternatives.
Anyway, that's my midnight rant on suicide.
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None of us will ever accomplish anything excellent or commanding except when he listens to the whisper which is heard by him alone.
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