Well, the house hunting has come to an end finally and it appears we found a cool house to move into soon in a super duper neighborhood with an HOA and everything. We aren't even allowed to park our cars on the street. But now we have to find a 4th roomate, which seeems like a more difficult challenge than finding the house. So far we have come accross a cage fighter, a former nebraska football player(who is the top candidate so far), and a dirt bike racer.
I must say i didn't know that i could peel for so long after a sun burn. It's pretty amazing and i look forward to the day when i am white as a ghost and don't have to worry about this shit.
Next weekend i fly home to see the fam and the new additions to the fam. Should be lots of fun and a quick trip as always. It will be the first time i will of flown home and the entire family is there, since all of the siblings have moved home but me. Looking forward to all of the guilt trips thrown my way. Should be a good time though. Last year at this time was my first trip home after moving to california. Time flies.
My favorite time of the year is approaching, which is fall. That means football season, cooler temps, leaves changing colors, tailgating, long sleeve clothes,curb your enthusiasm,, and baseball playoffs. I can also say i have almost survived my 2nd summer in Phoenix.
Last night was one of the best nights of sleep i have had in a while. Hoping to duplicate that tonight.
So this house we found to rent is like 2800 sq ft and we have no furniture. And when i say no furniture, we have 2 couches and a small kitchen table. But that's it. And i think there is a chance the couches might be sold at some point by jonah. So if anybody know anybody looking to cheaply get rid of lots of furniture, let me know. Hopefully the new roomie was like a former furniture sales person and can furnish the entire house. Looks like we might be searching craigslist for some sweet furniture.
We watched the first half of bob saget't stand-up comedy special tonight on HBO. I anticipated it to be really funny because it was kinda hyped up. But it wasn't remotely funny at all. I mean the dude is really vulger, and a lot of time that is funny. But nothing he said made sense. The only thing i gathered was he was trying to set the tv record for most times dropping the f-bomb in an hour. He had no jokes, definitely was making stuff up as he went, and used the Full House references way too much....even though those seemed to be the only half way funny things he said. Just dumb.
Cubs in first place still, holding on barely.
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