My days are starting to run together, even the weekends. They all seem to be the same. Even something as small as going to the store seems a welcome relief from the typical work-workout-shower-eat-tv/computer-sleep routine. The rain has been a nice change. I would prefer it to rain while i am working though, and not the minute i get off work. But it's still cool to see a thunderstorm every once in a while.
I'm debating on whether it would be a good idea to go fishing while in Florida. I haven't fished since i was about 10 years old. But when i was down in FLorida in May, i met with some people who went fishing and said it was the time of there life. It could make for high comedy though, with the crew i will have with me.
Remind me to bring a video camera to Florida.
Have you ever noticed that there are people in your life who just put off such a positive vibe, that you really enjoy being around them? And then there are people who put off negative vibes without even doing anything, which inturn takes away all of your energy. They could be one of your closest friends, but there attitude just makes you want to keep your distance. A better example is the unspoken chemistry you would find between a male an a female. But i believe that everyone has some form of chemistry between them, and some people naturally just put off better vibes than others. My whole point to this paragraph and thought process, is i really wonder what kind of chemistry and vibes i put off towards others. Do they see me as a negative person? Or do people enjoy when i am in the room more so than when i am not? Maybe it's just case by case, depending on who the other person or persons are.
I've got to quit eating macaroni and cheese. It makes me feel like a balloon.
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