My days are starting to run together, even the weekends. They all seem to be the same. Even something as small as going to the store seems a welcome relief from the typical work-workout-shower-eat-tv/computer-sleep routine. The rain has been a nice change. I would prefer it to rain while i am working though, and not the minute i get off work. But it's still cool to see a thunderstorm every once in a while.
I'm debating on whether it would be a good idea to go fishing while in Florida. I haven't fished since i was about 10 years old. But when i was down in FLorida in May, i met with some people who went fishing and said it was the time of there life. It could make for high comedy though, with the crew i will have with me.
Remind me to bring a video camera to Florida.
Have you ever noticed that there are people in your life who just put off such a positive vibe, that you really enjoy being around them? And then there are people who put off negative vibes without even doing anything, which inturn takes away all of your energy. They could be one of your closest friends, but there attitude just makes you want to keep your distance. A better example is the unspoken chemistry you would find between a male an a female. But i believe that everyone has some form of chemistry between them, and some people naturally just put off better vibes than others. My whole point to this paragraph and thought process, is i really wonder what kind of chemistry and vibes i put off towards others. Do they see me as a negative person? Or do people enjoy when i am in the room more so than when i am not? Maybe it's just case by case, depending on who the other person or persons are.
I've got to quit eating macaroni and cheese. It makes me feel like a balloon.
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Monday, July 30, 2007
tennis anyone
I'd like to announce my new favorite mexican food as Rubio's. The carne asada tacos taste exactly like the ones i get from the street vendor's in mexico. Except at Rubio's i don't worry about what i am actually eating.
I saw a mountain bike at the store the other day that i almost bought. How can i not take advantage of the arizona terrain with a mountain bike? Seems like a good investment. Maybe after i return from Florida i will start my mountain biking career.
I hiked camelback yesterday. On my way down my right foot slipped and my left was caught behind a boulder and i twisted my knee. For a second i thought i had blown out my knee, but luckily the pain went away after a few minutes, and even though it feels a bit off, i don't think it is serious. That certainly would of put a sudden end to my Mountain biking career.
My tennis game has gotten much better since i started playing recently. I am really enjoying playing and my forehand is getting decent. My serve sucks but doesn't really hurt me at least. Anyway, maybe instead of golf, tennis will be the sport i play until i get old. It would undoubtedly keep me in better shape than golf. Then once i am too old for tennis i can finish off my life just playing ping pong.
I saw a mountain bike at the store the other day that i almost bought. How can i not take advantage of the arizona terrain with a mountain bike? Seems like a good investment. Maybe after i return from Florida i will start my mountain biking career.
I hiked camelback yesterday. On my way down my right foot slipped and my left was caught behind a boulder and i twisted my knee. For a second i thought i had blown out my knee, but luckily the pain went away after a few minutes, and even though it feels a bit off, i don't think it is serious. That certainly would of put a sudden end to my Mountain biking career.
My tennis game has gotten much better since i started playing recently. I am really enjoying playing and my forehand is getting decent. My serve sucks but doesn't really hurt me at least. Anyway, maybe instead of golf, tennis will be the sport i play until i get old. It would undoubtedly keep me in better shape than golf. Then once i am too old for tennis i can finish off my life just playing ping pong.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
The surreal life
There seems to be a lot of really major life changing things going on in the people's lives who are close to me. One of my best bud's Taf and his wife just gave birth to there first child yesterday, very excited for them. That totally makes me feel old. My sister is about to give birth to her twins, makes me feel even older. I found out today one of my high school buds just got called up to the big leagues for the San Diego Padres. Even though it has nothing to do with me, i just find that to be really cool and look forward to following his career. I had an ex-girlfriend get married last week. My grandma is having cancer surgery tomorrow. Ferrell just bought a house(totally means we are getting old). And on a horribly sad note, one of my co-workers brother died due to a random electrocution accident this past weekend. One of the saddest things i have ever seen.
It's been a very surreal week for me, even though my day to day life hasn't been any different than normal, but everybody around me seems to have something crazy going on.
I've definitely been blessed with many things in my life. A great family with each member being very unique and talented. I've made some great friends who i know would bend over backwards for me, as i would for them. I've been able to take vacations and travel more than the average person. I've had great health. I've learned from mistakes without them being too major to overcome. I've never gone hungry....etc.
So my even steven attitude makes me believe that there could be a lot of things in store for me in the future as far as major events affecting my life, not necessarily all good. I'm just hoping when the bad does come, myself and whoever else it affects will be able to ride it out until the good things come. I feel like i have skated through life to this point, so the major challenges must be around the corner somewhere. At least that makes sense in my mind.
A few things of note from today's events. I woke up to the dog shitting in the kitchen while i was half asleep. So for some reason i decided to get dressed and then i would clean it up on my way out the door. Well, when i went back to clean it up, the dog had eaten all of her own shit. I was trying not the barf while walking to my car.
Then, after i got done working out and about to hit the shower, nick and i were chatting and all of the sudden the dog takes a shit on the top of the backrest of the couch. I don't believe i will ever see that happen again in my lifetime, a dog 2 feet away from me shitting on the backrest of a couch! Who does that? It's like the dog was trying to impress me today with it's shitting tactics.
Anyway, Cubs win again.
Good luck Grammy
It's been a very surreal week for me, even though my day to day life hasn't been any different than normal, but everybody around me seems to have something crazy going on.
I've definitely been blessed with many things in my life. A great family with each member being very unique and talented. I've made some great friends who i know would bend over backwards for me, as i would for them. I've been able to take vacations and travel more than the average person. I've had great health. I've learned from mistakes without them being too major to overcome. I've never gone hungry....etc.
So my even steven attitude makes me believe that there could be a lot of things in store for me in the future as far as major events affecting my life, not necessarily all good. I'm just hoping when the bad does come, myself and whoever else it affects will be able to ride it out until the good things come. I feel like i have skated through life to this point, so the major challenges must be around the corner somewhere. At least that makes sense in my mind.
A few things of note from today's events. I woke up to the dog shitting in the kitchen while i was half asleep. So for some reason i decided to get dressed and then i would clean it up on my way out the door. Well, when i went back to clean it up, the dog had eaten all of her own shit. I was trying not the barf while walking to my car.
Then, after i got done working out and about to hit the shower, nick and i were chatting and all of the sudden the dog takes a shit on the top of the backrest of the couch. I don't believe i will ever see that happen again in my lifetime, a dog 2 feet away from me shitting on the backrest of a couch! Who does that? It's like the dog was trying to impress me today with it's shitting tactics.
Anyway, Cubs win again.
Good luck Grammy
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
people are stupid
It's laundry time!
I have progressed since my younger days in that i now seperate the whites and the darks. Luckily i have no pink clothing.
I've decided it's time to learn how to play the guitar. I watched a movie last night called "once", and i realized it would be so enlightening for myself to be able to play a musical instrument. Besides, as you all know, i have a killer voice. I can only say that because nobody is reading this.
I've been single almost a year now, and there seems to be no end in sight. This is getting rediculous. With as many youngsters as there are in phoenix, you would think i would have at least a 1/365 chance of meeting a nice young lady. Apparantley the odds are against me.
Only a couple of more weeks until i will be sitting on the beach in florida.
Cubs win, cubs win.
I have progressed since my younger days in that i now seperate the whites and the darks. Luckily i have no pink clothing.
I've decided it's time to learn how to play the guitar. I watched a movie last night called "once", and i realized it would be so enlightening for myself to be able to play a musical instrument. Besides, as you all know, i have a killer voice. I can only say that because nobody is reading this.
I've been single almost a year now, and there seems to be no end in sight. This is getting rediculous. With as many youngsters as there are in phoenix, you would think i would have at least a 1/365 chance of meeting a nice young lady. Apparantley the odds are against me.
Only a couple of more weeks until i will be sitting on the beach in florida.
Cubs win, cubs win.
Friday, July 20, 2007
george strait
I come to you from sunny mexico. I'm sitting in a condo by myself, as usual, when coming to mexico for work. I suppose that is my own fault though. Just got done with dinner at "the crows nest". It's this restaurant on the top of a big hill overlooking the entire city. It's a great view, especially at sunset. They had changed the menu from the last time i was there, and tonight's food was excellent. Can't say the same about the service, but guess there is no reason to be greedy right.
Had Dinner with Alberto and his wife...very nice people. Alberto is the Activities/Concierge for our company, and today was my first time meeting them. He speaks decent english, but she is still learning for the most part. It's such a different experience than what i am used to in the states, when the language barrier is there. But i think it's fun and good character builder. I really need to learn spanish though. I could probably get a raise.
I'm loving this new George Strait song titled "wrapped". It just flows really well and i find it to be a great song.
It's interesting to me that now that i am in mexico, a lot of the websites automatically switch to spanish. Apparantley the spanish word for 'link' is Vinculo.
I sat on the beach for a bit today, but didn't want to spend too much time out there so not to spoil my vacation coming up in a few weeks. Just don't want to wear off the excitement of being on a beach.
Cubs are on fire, only 2.5 back. Who would of thought, certainly not me. In my lifetime i have never seen them win so many games in 1 stretch, and i am guessing neither has my dad or grandpa. Obviously they are only setting themselves up for major failure at the end of the year.
Anywho, let's hope tomorrow goes well and maybe i will learn something.
Had Dinner with Alberto and his wife...very nice people. Alberto is the Activities/Concierge for our company, and today was my first time meeting them. He speaks decent english, but she is still learning for the most part. It's such a different experience than what i am used to in the states, when the language barrier is there. But i think it's fun and good character builder. I really need to learn spanish though. I could probably get a raise.
I'm loving this new George Strait song titled "wrapped". It just flows really well and i find it to be a great song.
It's interesting to me that now that i am in mexico, a lot of the websites automatically switch to spanish. Apparantley the spanish word for 'link' is Vinculo.
I sat on the beach for a bit today, but didn't want to spend too much time out there so not to spoil my vacation coming up in a few weeks. Just don't want to wear off the excitement of being on a beach.
Cubs are on fire, only 2.5 back. Who would of thought, certainly not me. In my lifetime i have never seen them win so many games in 1 stretch, and i am guessing neither has my dad or grandpa. Obviously they are only setting themselves up for major failure at the end of the year.
Anywho, let's hope tomorrow goes well and maybe i will learn something.
Sunday, July 15, 2007
turn me inside out, and upside down
I'm thinking maybe what i am missing from life is that i should be doing something that i feel is meaningful. Like maybe work for a charity or non-profit organization for a cause that means something to me, or makes me feel like i am making a difference. Sounds very cheesy, but i am sure it would be much more satisfying going to bed every night.
Spent some time on a paddleboat last night in the middle of a small lake. Very intersting experience, one of those experiences you feel is kinda surreal for some reason. Like you start out your day thinking how your day is gonna go, then you find yourself in a very different situation. Needless to say, it was a lot of fun.
Is it too early to start counting down until i leave for vacation? We are within a month of throwing a football on the white sand beach and diving into the ocean.
It's gonna be an interesting time to see how well ferrell and jonah adapt to each other. Two totally opposite personalities, but i am predicting they will become great friends. I'm thinking a video camera might be a good idea for this vacation.
Jonah beat me to the punch today by buzzing all of his hair off. If i am to do that now, it will basically look like a bunch of skin heads live at apt 1031, as nick already has short hair as well. I think it will be my haircut of choice for Florida though.
Cubs are on a roll, swept the Stos' and Barry's oversized head roles into town tomorrow. Should be interesting. Cubs Woo
Thursday, July 12, 2007
I've always wanted to find a job that i don't really feel is a job, but something i really enjoy doing. In the past few years from analyzing my goals, dreams, unhappiness, and happiness... i've constantly been thinking of different ideas, jobs, inventions and such that would make me enough money and give me enough happiness and adventure that i wouldn't have to have a 9-5. Jonah and i just watched movie titled "10 mph" that pretty much went right along those lines.
I would love to do something that would allow me to see the entire world, without me having to break the bank, or go long periods of time without seeing family and friends, and would make waking up in the morning extremely easy. I certainly don't know what this is, but i will continue to think about it and i will let you know if i find it.
Cubs are 4.5 games back at the All-Star break, and there isn't a doubt in my mind that it's going to be one of the biggest let downs in Cubs history.
I would love to do something that would allow me to see the entire world, without me having to break the bank, or go long periods of time without seeing family and friends, and would make waking up in the morning extremely easy. I certainly don't know what this is, but i will continue to think about it and i will let you know if i find it.
Cubs are 4.5 games back at the All-Star break, and there isn't a doubt in my mind that it's going to be one of the biggest let downs in Cubs history.
Sunday, July 8, 2007
shoulda sung neil diamond
Really contemplating shaving my head when i leave for florida next month, and not shaving the entire week. Maybe a new look for me, see how that works out.
Had a good weekend..Friday night i watched the "man vs. wild" marathon which was fine by me. Saturday we played some tennis right in the middle of the day...i felt like my game is improving, hit some solid forehands but still got beat.
Saturday night the 3 of us went to Nick's co-workers house for a cookout(or as they like to call them in AZ, a barbeque(which makes no sense unless you are barbequeing in my book)). Had a lot of fun, met some nice people. Did some swimming, brought my ping-pong game out of retirement which turned out very successful i must say, and overall had a very good night. Bummer Nick had to miss a lot of fun due to the bottle of Jaeger that quickly became his buddy, then turned on him.
But Jonah and i closed out the party strong by making it to the finals of the American Idol Karaoke tournament. We both got perfect scores in the 3rd round after my rendition of the Piano Man and jonah busting out some "straight up" by Paula Abdul. Unfortunately i picked a tough song in the finals, Jonah just didn't bring his A-game, which left Crystal to take home the title. Fun times though, and i think it's time to buy a karaoke machine.
I've come to realize that i struggle to sleep in like i used to. I really love to sleep in, as i am not much of a morning person. But i guess now that i am growing up my mind and body doesn't want me to waste any more hours of my life than i should. I miss not feeling bad about sleeping past 10am.
Had a good weekend..Friday night i watched the "man vs. wild" marathon which was fine by me. Saturday we played some tennis right in the middle of the day...i felt like my game is improving, hit some solid forehands but still got beat.
Saturday night the 3 of us went to Nick's co-workers house for a cookout(or as they like to call them in AZ, a barbeque(which makes no sense unless you are barbequeing in my book)). Had a lot of fun, met some nice people. Did some swimming, brought my ping-pong game out of retirement which turned out very successful i must say, and overall had a very good night. Bummer Nick had to miss a lot of fun due to the bottle of Jaeger that quickly became his buddy, then turned on him.
But Jonah and i closed out the party strong by making it to the finals of the American Idol Karaoke tournament. We both got perfect scores in the 3rd round after my rendition of the Piano Man and jonah busting out some "straight up" by Paula Abdul. Unfortunately i picked a tough song in the finals, Jonah just didn't bring his A-game, which left Crystal to take home the title. Fun times though, and i think it's time to buy a karaoke machine.
I've come to realize that i struggle to sleep in like i used to. I really love to sleep in, as i am not much of a morning person. But i guess now that i am growing up my mind and body doesn't want me to waste any more hours of my life than i should. I miss not feeling bad about sleeping past 10am.
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
flight of the conchords
You may have heard me talk about Flight of the Conchords, a new show on HBO. I find it to be hilarious, as do others apparantley. Anyway, below are parts 1-3 that make up episode 2. It's certainly different, but funny.
4th of July

Kinda strange having 1 day off in the middle of a work week. Mother Nature could of helped out a little bit and not made it the hottest day of the year, about 117 to be exact. Needless to say i ended up catching up on some sleep and stayed inside.
Last night the roomies and i went to see Die Hard. Definitely entertaining, typical Die Hard type of movie. Tonight we decided to hike to a spot on Camelback Mountain to get a good view of some fireworks. I personally thought it was an awesome spot to see them....and when i say them we were able to see about 12 different firework shows at the same time. Actually the best part was just seeing the city lights at night. If your ever in the Phoenix area for the 4th and have nothing better to do, i definitely suggest viewing the fireworks from up there.
Jonah just got Pizza Hut at 11:30pm, and now i am craving it. I guess it's a good thing i am going to bed. I've been eating like crap of late. I did finally make it to the grocery and bought some really good soup, tomato bisque i believe...It's really good to dip bread into.
This has been a pretty piss poor blog entry, but i am tired and just rambling.
Sunday, July 1, 2007
the week that was
Well, it's sunday evening the 1st day of July already. It certainly feels like july as it is supposed to be 117 on the 4th. Can't wait to spend my day off in that weather.
I played 3 softball games yesterday in a tournament. It had been about 3 weeks since my last softball game and any real strenuous running. And today i can tell. Normally when you play right center field in softball, you don't get too many balls hit your way. For some reason yesterday, i think about 50% of all the balls put in play were hit in my direction. So i was running around like crazy at full speed, not to mention running the bases after my fabulous weekly hit ground balls... So today i wake up and i am sore as can be and stiff as a bored. I wanted to climb camelback this evening, but there isn't a chance in hell of that. I am really starting to understand what it feels like to be getting old. This sucks. I need to hire a personal trainer to whip me in shape.
The past week has been another typical week in the life of Joe Sanders. Lots of work, lots of eating, lots of internet browsing, and lots of wishing it were the fall season already.
Things i did get accomplished were:
1) Finishing a book
2) Purchasing a plane ticket to Chicago for September
3) Purchasing a plane ticket for Indiana for Labor Day weekend
4) Consolidating much of my debt onto an American Express card
5) Paying way too many bills.
5) Not making my bed 1 time this week.
Overall, a very productive week.
Last night Jonah and i went on our Saturday night ice cream date after both having major cravings...and i asked for a banana split. So of course i am salivating for this 6$ chunk of delight for like 10 minutes as he makes it. Finally he tells me he is out of strawberries (jonah must of taken the last of them as he ordered some strawberry thingy) and that i can substitute something else if i would like. So after not finding any other berry type thing that fit my liking...the pressure was on. He mentioned apple fillling, and i said ok. Of course after taking my first bite, all i could taste was this apple filling and it quickly became one of the grosest ice cream things i had ever eaten, and so 3/4 of it was tossed. On the bright side i am still not fat.
My goals for the upcoming week are not to spend money. I spent way too much last week on plane tickets and crap. Even though i make more money now than i did a year ago, my bank account still seems to keep the same amount in it...I need to try and reverse that trend.
Cubs are rolling, won 8 out of 9 and could be within a few games of first place before the all-star break if things keep up. That past sentence obviously brought to you by a cub fan who still hasn't learned.
I played 3 softball games yesterday in a tournament. It had been about 3 weeks since my last softball game and any real strenuous running. And today i can tell. Normally when you play right center field in softball, you don't get too many balls hit your way. For some reason yesterday, i think about 50% of all the balls put in play were hit in my direction. So i was running around like crazy at full speed, not to mention running the bases after my fabulous weekly hit ground balls... So today i wake up and i am sore as can be and stiff as a bored. I wanted to climb camelback this evening, but there isn't a chance in hell of that. I am really starting to understand what it feels like to be getting old. This sucks. I need to hire a personal trainer to whip me in shape.
The past week has been another typical week in the life of Joe Sanders. Lots of work, lots of eating, lots of internet browsing, and lots of wishing it were the fall season already.
Things i did get accomplished were:
1) Finishing a book
2) Purchasing a plane ticket to Chicago for September
3) Purchasing a plane ticket for Indiana for Labor Day weekend
4) Consolidating much of my debt onto an American Express card
5) Paying way too many bills.
5) Not making my bed 1 time this week.
Overall, a very productive week.
Last night Jonah and i went on our Saturday night ice cream date after both having major cravings...and i asked for a banana split. So of course i am salivating for this 6$ chunk of delight for like 10 minutes as he makes it. Finally he tells me he is out of strawberries (jonah must of taken the last of them as he ordered some strawberry thingy) and that i can substitute something else if i would like. So after not finding any other berry type thing that fit my liking...the pressure was on. He mentioned apple fillling, and i said ok. Of course after taking my first bite, all i could taste was this apple filling and it quickly became one of the grosest ice cream things i had ever eaten, and so 3/4 of it was tossed. On the bright side i am still not fat.
My goals for the upcoming week are not to spend money. I spent way too much last week on plane tickets and crap. Even though i make more money now than i did a year ago, my bank account still seems to keep the same amount in it...I need to try and reverse that trend.
Cubs are rolling, won 8 out of 9 and could be within a few games of first place before the all-star break if things keep up. That past sentence obviously brought to you by a cub fan who still hasn't learned.
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