Well, this weekend was pretty useless. Jonah and i went to Chili's friday night for dinner which was cool and tasty, then came home and watched apocolypto, which was pretty good. Didn't do much on saturday other than watch the cubs implode once again, played a little tennis, and went to watch Knocked Up at night. That movie is really good and hilarious if you haven't seen it. I give it 2 thumbs up.
I did a sunset hike this evening at Camelback. I stopped along the way to take a few pictures. I actually did pretty well for not hiking in a while.
Things that have been on my mind of late:
I need to register for some classes to finish up school.
I need to find new things to do while in Arizona.
I need to start paying off my debts quicker and get rid of them.
I need to visit vegas.
I need to come up with a short term plan on my future and set guidelines as to where i need to be going.
I need to start having a little more fun.
I can't believe how picky and impatient i have become when it comes to dating and girls. I guess that is a good thing. I really just am at the point where i don't want to waste my time, money and feelings on somebody i know i won't end up with. I am sure i am probably gonna miss out on some fun, but i would much rather be single then tied down to somebody i'm not that in to. Just something made even more clear to me this week.
Things i am looking forward to this summer:
Exciting changes at work and more responsibility.
Exploring more of arizona.
Finding a new place to live.
Going to Florida on vacation for a week.
Hiking with my new friend.
Playing golf.
Seeing if jonah ends up becoming a world traveler.
Well, that is all i have to say at this point.
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