So why do dogs scratch at bed sheets? Is it to warm up a spot....or warm up there feet, or just because they are bored. I am sitting here watching this dog go to town on my bed, messing up my sheets and then just staring at the bed. Now she is growling at nothing. I wish i had that life.
Work went well today...i was really busy all day so the day flew by. I did pretty well on some commisions today as well. After work, it was off to the weight room...then a quick shower. It was time to go do a little shopping.
I went to REI for the first time, and found all sorts of goodies i would love to buy. I did end up buying a camel pack(not the cigarrettes), and definitley plan on heading back there when i feel like spending more money. I also decided it's time to buy some new shorts, so it was off to PV mall where i ended up buying some shorts at AE, and 2 shirts at Old Navy. How can you pass up a 5$ long sleeve shirt and a 1o$ collared shirt?! I felt like i was robbing the place.
Then, i decided i was going to be lazy and went and got some food at wendy's.
My roomate pulled out his nintendo 64 tonight and it looks like mario cart is going to be played all night every night for a while. I suck at it, but my roomate is an all-american apparantley. Hopefully i can improve so i don't stay 3rd place all the time.
Yes, this is my life...i need a hobbie.
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